This page last changed on Feb 03, 2009 by straha1.

There are three different queues to which you can submit your jobs. One queue is the testing queue, which is intended for short-lived test jobs for debugging. Please submit your jobs to the testing queue until you are sure that your code is working. Once it is working, you can use the low_priority or high_priority queues to run your job on more machines for longer periods of time. Here are the differences between the three queues:

Queue Job Size Notes
testing Short-lived test jobs that take up no more than one machine. Please test new programs on this queue before submitting them to the other queues. There is a node (or nodes) dedicated to test jobs, so low_priority and high_priority jobs will not get into your way here, and your test jobs will not get in the way of other people's non-test jobs.
low_priority Jobs that use up to thirty-two nodes for up to twenty-three hours The queuing system gives high_priority jobs precedence over low_priority jobs so your job may have to wait longer before it is granted access to cluster nodes.
high_priority Jobs that use up to thirty-two nodes for an unlimited amount of time As the above note mentions, high_priority jobs will get on to cluster nodes before any low_priority jobs that are queued.
Document generated by Confluence on Mar 31, 2011 15:37